Sunday, March 30, 2008

Just a little...........Quick Sketch

Just a quick sketch I thought I would post. Working out some layout ideas for class.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Sketching in good ole photoshop

So anyways I've been watching a few gnomon dvd's lately, which are unbelievable. I picked up a few tips here and there and thought I would give them a try. This is a work in progress, alot left to finalize it and colour it up. It's some kind of creature but based on a prior sketch i did. With school getting crazy this may be my last post till summer. Enjoy!

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Animations for second semester so far.......

Anyways here are my first two animations for the second semester. The lip sync is a clip from back to the future and is not really all that great. I tried hitting every single sound and mouth shape so the mouth pops back and forth alot and does not have much flow to it. The human sync is a clip from forest gump and I killed myself on this one starting off over animating it and trying to do to much with the acting but I know that is a common problem for young animators. I simplified it alot and it is really rough. My muzzle sync I will post soon is a Work in Progress and will end up getting finished later on in the summer but so far so good. Enjoy!

Animal Characters

Here are my animal characters I did for character design. Based on the dennis the menace movie with mason gamble and Christopher loyd. Enjoy!